segunda-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2015



Hey guys all beauty? So it's coming Christmas and I think I'll buy the great game of Netherrealm Studios same producer of the legendary, and very famous Mortal Kombat

The game has several characters from the DC Comics universe from the most famous as Batman and Superman to the less famous like Shazam and Hawkgirl still has the Scorpion legend only in the Ultimate Edition

See the characters now

The Joker
Night Wing
Harley Queen
The Flash
Solomon Grundy
Lex Luthor
Green Arrow
Deathstroke (My prefer)
Wonder Woman
Killer Frost
Green Lantern
Black Adam


Ultimate Edition



Hunter Mars





terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

This young man?

This young man?

Weirdest Uniforms

Arsenal Tula (Russia)

Arsenal Tula (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

The team is not very known but the uniform is very weird and is red and yellow camouflage

Porto (Portugal)

Porto (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

It is also now camouflaged with diagonal stripes in different shades of blue but frankly I enjoyed the Portuguese uniform

Leon (Mexico)

León (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

No words for this horrible pink uniform

Moreirense (Portugal) 
Moreirense (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

A green and white uniform with a very weird pattern

Lugo (Spain)
Lugo (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

Until it is beautiful but a bit exaggerated in color is not?

NAC Breda (Nederlands) 
Breda (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

Very weird but kinda cool

Boavista (Portugal)
Boavista (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

Let's play chess

St. Mirren (Scotland)
St. Mirren (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)

It seems that spread ink


Videos FIFA 15

Videos FIFA 15

Look these very cool videos and let us find comments




Penalties are possibly the easiest way to score goals, and losing them can result in very unpleasant defeats. To prevent this, go to the game's training mode and take the time charging penalties.

Try different types of beats, and forces players. This will make you familiar with the mechanics of collection, and prepared for the opportunities at stake.

Caprice on the accuracy ...
Adopted in version 2011, the system of game penalty charges requires you to trigger the shot button until the display goes for the accuracy bar. For more accurate kicks, always try to hit the green area.
If not, the chances of the player isolate the ball in the collection are huge, especially if the marker stops in the red area of the bar. In such cases, the only way out is hope.
.. And strength of recovery
Once you master the precision system, it's time to get used to the power control of the kicks. Stronger beats are naturally more difficult to defend, but also are more likely to go wrong.
To charge a penalty tightly, hold the shot button until the bar is almost full, but never let the score get to the red, or the player will send the ball far from the goal. Train too, to get the hang.

Choose your best hitter
In FIFA 15, all team players (including goalkeepers) can be scaled to charge penalties. Simply hold the control of the right trigger (RT / R2) and select the batter.
Note that the table shows the attributes of the players in the "Pen" table. The higher the number, the easier the player will have to perform the charges. Note that the green area on the accuracy bar is higher for more skilled scouts.
Lucas-Fifa15 (Foto: Reprodução / YouTube)
Switch the corners of collection
Especially during penalty disputes, it is important that you switch the corners of collection, or the opponent will ease in defending the beats. Right-handed athletes are better able to kick on the right corner while lefties prefer the left side.
Train collections in every corner of the goal, using right and left handed batters. This will help in time of disputes, preventing his kicks become very predictable.

Use paradinhas and cavadinhas (responsibly)
The paradinhas and Cavadinha are devices used by skilled athletes (or tremendously irresponsible) to deceive the goalkeeper at the time of collection, making it easier to score. Nevertheless, the techniques are extremely risky, and if poorly implemented, may result in a lost chance.
To make a quick stop, press the shot button, and while the player runs towards the ball, press the same button again (see video). Note that the direction of the strike should be done after pressing the button a second time.
The Cavadinha is a bit simpler to implement, but as dangerous as the quick stop. To use it, hold the left shoulder button (LB / L1) and hit the penalty normally. In this case, it is much more difficult to direct the collection, so do not overdo the force.
Howard agarra Fifa 15 (Foto: Divulgação)
Do not be distracted by the provocations of the goalkeepers
First seen in the game dedicated to the World Cup 2014, the goalkeepers teasers are also in FIFA 15, and are a beautiful weapon of goalkeepers to distract the batters.
The provocations are performed using the control action buttons (A / B / X / Y, X, Square, Triangle, Ball), and make the goalkeeper make gestures and poses to the batter.
Try to ignore the provocations, and avoid the "collection of suggestions" given by the archer. In this case, strong and high kicks are a good alternative.

Set the blind spot
Trick highly efficient in previous versions of the game, the blind spot can still be used in FIFA 15 for virtually indefensible charges. Hit requires a lot of training, so try not to run it in an important match before mastering the system.
To set a deadly shot, press the power bar halfway down, and then place the analog to one side, and climb up near the bar. In short, the collection must hit the point between the angle and the center of the goal (see video).
If you run the collection correctly, the player will hit the top of the network hard. In this type of beat, the goalkeeper has no specific command to defend the ball, totally dependent on luck.


segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014



Ball high
The traditional beat is also one of the most versatile game. Search the emptiness of the goalkeeper corner kick and hold the button to complete the second power bar. You must pay close attention, as only a light touch should be enough.

A strong, low kick can be very efficient, especially closer to the edge of the area collections, when the barrier usually jump. Hold the modifier button (LB / L2), and kicking hard to beat the goalkeeper.
Ball with bow

Weapon of more technical players, charges with bow are absolutely lethal when executed to perfection. Aim the ball in the corner, capriche in strength, and then, as the player runs the ball, hold the left stick to one of the upper diagonal.
second batter

Free kicks over a batter are tremendously popular in real football, as they help to confuse the barrier and the goalkeeper. Press the LT / L1 to call the second batter, then hold the button and covers the lack to kick him.
Fifa 15: dicas para dominar as cobranças de falta do game (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)
Tested recovery
With collections tested is possible to fool the entire defense with a false move, and take the opportunity to score. To execute it, press the shot button and quickly pass. This will make the player pass the ball, opening chance for a quick shot.

short Passing
With the short pass, his team uses the fault as a mere distraction for defenders, handing the ball to a second athlete, free to score. Call the second batter, hold LT / L1 and press the pass button.
manual positioning

Unhappy with the positioning of their athletes before missing? Use the right analog stick to move them through the countryside, taking the opportunity to position them where you want.


quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2014

Update FIFA 15

Update FIFA 15

Now the fifa 15 comes with the newest update with bug fixes and most importantly for me was the two new equipesno FUT the New York Yankees and the Orlando City and more than 40 faces for players of Leicester City, QPR and Burnley
