segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014



Ball high
The traditional beat is also one of the most versatile game. Search the emptiness of the goalkeeper corner kick and hold the button to complete the second power bar. You must pay close attention, as only a light touch should be enough.

A strong, low kick can be very efficient, especially closer to the edge of the area collections, when the barrier usually jump. Hold the modifier button (LB / L2), and kicking hard to beat the goalkeeper.
Ball with bow

Weapon of more technical players, charges with bow are absolutely lethal when executed to perfection. Aim the ball in the corner, capriche in strength, and then, as the player runs the ball, hold the left stick to one of the upper diagonal.
second batter

Free kicks over a batter are tremendously popular in real football, as they help to confuse the barrier and the goalkeeper. Press the LT / L1 to call the second batter, then hold the button and covers the lack to kick him.
Fifa 15: dicas para dominar as cobranças de falta do game (Foto: Reprodução/Murilo Molina)
Tested recovery
With collections tested is possible to fool the entire defense with a false move, and take the opportunity to score. To execute it, press the shot button and quickly pass. This will make the player pass the ball, opening chance for a quick shot.

short Passing
With the short pass, his team uses the fault as a mere distraction for defenders, handing the ball to a second athlete, free to score. Call the second batter, hold LT / L1 and press the pass button.
manual positioning

Unhappy with the positioning of their athletes before missing? Use the right analog stick to move them through the countryside, taking the opportunity to position them where you want.


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